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How is Umbilical Cord Lining Collected, Processed and Stored?
Step 1
After collecting your baby’s cord blood, your obstetrician or midwife will clamp and cut a segment of the umbilical cord. This umbilical cord will be kept in a sterile container that comes with your umbilical cord lining collection kit.

Step 2
The collected umbilical cord is then transported to Cordlife's laboratory for processing and cryopreservation. Before processing, a biotechnologist in our lab checks the identity of the collected umbilical cord to make sure it came from the right client. All of the steps below are done in a biohazard safety cabinet to reduce the risk of contamination before the controlled-rate freezing process.

Step 3
After that, the umbilical cord is cleaned with a wash buffer solution and cut into small pieces.

Step 4
To keep the stem cells in the sections of cord lining alive during cryopreservation, the sterile tissue sections are put into multiple cryovials with cryoprotectant solution.

Step 5
After the cryoprotectant solution is added, the sections of cord lining are slowly frozen in the controlled-rate freezer to keep the stem cells alive.

Step 6
After the controlled-rate freezing process, the cryovials are moved to an MVE vapour-phase liquid nitrogen tank where they will be kept at -190°C for a long time.